Monday 15 October 2012

Hare Moon (The forest of hands and teeth # 0.5)
Carrie Ryan

I wanted to read Hare Moon because i have just finished The forest of hands and Teeth, this was the second prequel i have read and i really enjoyed it.

The book follows Tabitha (the head of the sisterhood in The forest of hands and teeth) as a young adult with the same free spirit, same blind curiosity that Mary has! When she sneaks out of the gate to the village she has an unexpected surprise! There is a male in the forest telling stories of another village. when she is found and sent to live with the sisterhood she discovers all kinds of secrets and must decided, blind curiosity , freedom and love or the safety and survival of her village! Will she allow love to consume her or will she do anything to help her village? the decision is squarely on her shoulders.

I have to say i enjoyed this book, its only short and provides a good back story to why the sisterhood is the way it is and why they keep so many secrets from the village!
I think if you read this you get a much better understanding of why Tabitha, in The forest of hands and Teeth i hated her! After reading this book i feel sorry for her and see that she is trying to protect Mary from following the same path as she did!

If you like The forest of hands and Teeth i would recommend this book as a good back story i think it really helps to understand the story a bit better.
i really enjoyed it  another amazing zombie filled book by Carrie Ryan 3*

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